The Sickness Benefits Statistics Register

The aim of the register

The statistics shed light on the correlation between social conditions and the sickness benefits system.

Responsible authority

Statistics Denmark


Bo Møller
+45 39 17 31 04


The statistics show the number of recipients and cases as well as benefit expenses in case of illness or birth within one calendar year. Only cases involving payment via the municipal benefits system are included. The statistics also show the duration of cases as well as the correlation between the amount paid and family, occupation and industry.


The statistics can be grouped by gender, age, local municipality and a number of background variables, e.g. family type, position and occupation. The cases can be grouped by duration. It is also possible to conduct additional groupings. The Sickness Benefits Statistics Register contains the following information for each person/case: First day of absence (start of case), First and last calculation date (sickness benefits period), Case type, Reason for closing the case, Basis for payment if case is extended, Amount paid to the insured person and their employer respectively, Occupation, Position/socioeconomic status, Family type

Accessing the data

Contact Statistics Denmark




Kommunedata’s central administrative sickness benefits system, the Population Statistics Register, Statistics Denmark. The Register-based Labour Force Statistics (RAS), Statistics Denmark.

Period covered



The publication “Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik” (News from Statistics Denmark) the “Sociale forhold, sundhed og retsvæsen” series in the publication “Statistiske Efteretninger” (Statistical News), the publication “Statistikservice” and StatBank Denmark. Annual publications: Statistical Yearbook.