The Health Insurance Statistics (previously the Public Health Insurance Register)

The aim of the register

On the basis of data in the Public Health Insurance Register, it is possible to analyse the population’s use of various health insurance services within individual areas of specialisation as well as any geographical differences in the pattern of use. The register also makes it possible to get a better picture of patients’ overall course of illness by combining data from the National Patient Register and the Register of Causes of Death

Responsible authority

The Danish Health Authority


Statistics Denmark

Kamilla Heurlén, tel +45 3917 3493


The register contains information on the settling of health insurance services between the countys, Copenhagen and Frederiksberg municipality - and health care providers, i.e. general practitioners and specialist doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, psychologists, etc.

Accessing the data

Contact the Danish Health Authority

Period covered

Data for 1990 onwards from the Joint Municipal Health Insurance Register can be found at the Danish Health Authority