The Public Health Insurance Register

The aim of the register

The statistics shed light on the correlation between social conditions and the public health insurance system.

Responsible authority

Statistics Denmark


Statistics Denmark

Bo Møller, tel. +45 39 17 31 04, email:
Iben Pedersen, tel. +45 39 17 36 03, email:



The register calculates the number of recipients and services as well as the related costs to the public health insurance system within a calendar year. In the years 1984-1986, the register is based on a 10 % sample which contains services for persons born on the 14th, 15th or 16th day of a month; as of 1987, the register covers all services and persons covered by the agreements between the National Health Service Negotiating Committee and the organisations which represent the various providers.
Originally, mostly medical practitioners entered into agreements with the National Health Service Negotiating Committee. However, over the years a number of new providers, e.g. psychologists and physiotherapists, have entered into agreements with the committee, and as such they are included in the statistics.


Information on persons (family type, occupation, industry as well as income and housing status), services, contacts and amounts.

Accessing the data

Contact Statistics Denmark




The joint municipal system of public health insurance, the Population Statistics Register (Statistics Denmark), the Register of Buildings and Dwellings (Statistics Denmark) and the Employment Classification Module (Statistics Denmark).

Period covered



The publication “Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik” (News from Statistics Denmark), the “Sociale forhold, sundhed og retsvæsen” series in the publication “Statistiske Efterretninger” (Statistical News) and StatBank Denmark.
Annual publications: Statistical Yearbook and Statistical Ten-Year Review.