The Hospital Utilisation Register

The aim of the register

The register aims to contribute to shedding light on the correlation between social conditions and hospital admissions.

Responsible authority

Statistics Denmark


Kamilla Heurlén
telephone +45 39 17 34 93
email kah@dst


Admissions to somatic hospital departments providing round-the-clock care during a calendar year.


Gender, age, diagnosis, county and a number of background variables: Family type, profession, education, primary social benefit, housing type, descent and job function. Information on hospital admissions and socioeconomic status.



Accessing the data

Contact Statistics Denmark


The National Patient Register, the Danish Health Authority as well as the following registers in Statistics Denmark:
The Population Statistics Register, the Medical Register of Births and Deaths, the Central Register of Buildings and Dwellings, the Educational Classification Module, the Employment Classification Module, the Register of Wealth Statistics, the Public Health Insurance Register and the Statistics regarding income compensating benefits.

Period covered



The publication “Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik” (News from Statistics Denmark), the “Sociale forhold, sundhed og retsvæsen” series in the publication “Statistiske Efterretninger” (Statistical News).
Annual publications: Statistical Yearbook. UD1, UD2, THE UD3, PA1, PA1, PA2, PA2A, PA3, PA4, PA5