The Income Statistics Register

The aim of the register

The register aims to provide information for statistics regarding the Danish population’s income and tax deductions.

Responsible authority

Statistics Denmark


Uwe Pedersen +45 3917 3424


Persons who are 15 years of age at the end of the year and are fully taxable throughout the year, primarily persons who have had a permanent address in Denmark throughout the year.


The register contains information on average gross income (income subject to ordinary taxation - calculated by Statistics Denmark), taxable income, and taxes and the like. The average gross income is also divided into income types for various social groups. Taxable persons are also divided by age, socioeconomic group, gross income size, taxable income size and county. For each municipality, a number of taxable persons, average gross income size, taxable income as well as taxes and the like are shown. For tax-privileged pension arrangements, number of persons and average payment by age group and by socioeconomic group are shown.

Accessing the data

Contact Statistics Denmark
The basic material can be found in the Income Statistics Register, which contains information on an individual level. The register contains considerably detailed income information, which can be purchased against payment.




From the Central Customs and Tax Administration:
The Central Taxpayers’ Register (CSR), the Salary Information Register (COR), the Central Pension Register and the Pension Tax Register.
The following registers in Statistics Denmark are also used:
The Business Register, the Register for Labour Market Policy Measures (AMFORA), the Register of Unemployment Benefit Payments, the Population Statistics Register, the Employment Classification Module (AKM), the Register of Child Allowance Statistics and the Register of Housing Allowance Statistics.

Period covered



Tax-Related Income Statistics 2000 is published in “Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik” (News from Statistics Denmark) and in “Statistiske Efterretninger” (Statistical News) on 20 December 2001.