The Register of Congenital Malformations

The aim of the register

The Register of Congenital Malformations forms the basis for the supervision of the frequency of congenital malformations and late miscarriages and the ongoing statistics in the area by the Danish Health Authority, respectively. The register also contributes data for medical research

Responsible authority

The Danish Health Data Authority

Contact persons

Kristian Nielsen

Erik Villadsen


The Register of Congenital Malformations contains information on whether a pregnancy results in a live birth, stillbirth or a late miscarriage. The register also contains information on the birth, the parents, the type of congenital malformation and chromosome anomalies

Accessing the data

Contact the Danish Health Authority


During the period 1983-1994, data for the Register of Congenital Malformations was based on form reports submitted to the Danish Health Authority. As of 1995, the reports have been submitted electronically via the National Patient Register

Period covered
