The Integrated Database for Labour Market Research (IDA)

The aim of the register

The Integrated Database for Labour Market Research (IDA) aims to make data on persons and workplaces available on an individual level. The information in the database can be used to shed light on a number of problems regarding the labour market (i.e. individual mobility, companies’ job creation as well as the interaction between the individual and the company). This database is unique since you may be able to connect individuals with companies. Thereby, people can be characterised based on information about the hiring company. Likewise, the companies can be described on the basis of information about its employees. The database contains more than 200 variables in the database, including a wide range of background variables on individuals. Furthermore, it is possible to follow both individuals and companies over a period of time.

Responsible authority

Statistics Denmark


Research Service of Statistics Denmark, Telephone: +45 3917 3130, email


The Integrated Database for Labour Market Research is a relational database. It consists of 12 data sets with 12 different populations.


Persons: Gender, age etc., Family and marital status, Education, Employment and work experience, Unemployment, Income.
Employment: Position, full-time/part-time, Hourly pay, Seniority, Change in employment, Intake/departures.
Workplaces and companies: Time of establishment, Industry, location etc., Employees and salary level, Identity over a period of time (maintained, closed, established).

Accessing the data

Contact Statistics Denmark Data extracted from IDA can be made available to researchers under a special agreement with Statistics Denmark for payment. The data will be anonymised (i.e. civil reg. no., address, employer no. etc. will be replaced by a neutral serial number in such a way that it is still possible to track individuals and companies over time). Despite being anonymised, data from the Integrated Database for Labour Market Research is still covered by Statistics Denmark’s rules regarding confidentiality and data security - the information still pertains to individuals. This means, among other things, that the data may not be used outside of Statistics Denmark.




The Salary Information Register (COR) at the Central Customs and Tax Administration, Statistics Denmark’s Population Statistics Register, the Education Classification Module (UKM), Statistics Denmark’s Employment Classification Module (AKM), the Income Statistics Register, the Employment in Businesses Statistics, the Register-based Labour Force Statistics (RAS), Statistics Denmark’s Unemployment Statistics Register (CRAM).

Period covered



A detailed description of the database is available in the publication "IDA- en integreret database for arbejdsmarkedsforskning" (Statistics Denmark, 1991) in pdf format HERE (in Danish only). Furthermore, five work memos were prepared in connection with creating the database.