The Register of Preventive Measures

The aim of the register

The register aims to provide Statistics Denmark, the Ministry of Health and the Danish Health Authority with the opportunity to shed light on health conditions in Denmark in a fast and efficient manner. The register also aims to make data available for research within the socio-medical area.
The background for the register is a collaboration between Statistics Denmark, the Danish Ministry of Health and the Danish Health Authority, which, among other things, has generated data for epidemiological research, the Business Register/Cancer Register as well as the Fertility Database. Statistics Denmark has also established the Hospital Discharge Register, which aims to shed light on the social distribution of the use of hospitals.

Responsible authority

Statistics Denmark

Contact person

Kamille Heurlén, tel. +45 39 17 34 93



All persons who have resided in Denmark since 1977.


Information on patients, Diagnosis and treatment status, Discharge status, Causes of death, Patient history, Demographic conditions, Occupation and income status, Unemployment information, Social benefits, Housing status.


Contact Statistics Denmark




Patients: The National Patient Register (the Danish Health Authority)
Causes of death: The Register of Causes of Death (the Danish Health Authority)
Patient history: The Public Health Insurance Register (the Danish Health Authority and Statistics Denmark)
Demographic conditions The Population Statistics Register (Statistics Denmark)
Occupation and income status: The Employment Classification Module (Statistics Denmark) and the Integrated Database for Labour Market Research (IDA - Statistics Denmark)
Education: The Educational Classification Module (Statistics Denmark)
Social benefits: The statistics regarding income compensating benefits (Statistics Denmark)
Housing status: The Register of Buildings and Dwellings (Statistics Denmark)

Period covered
