The Population Statistics Register

The aim of the register

The register sheds light on the development and composition of the Danish population. The register aims to contribute information about the development of the population to municipal, county and government planning efforts, as well as to private companies.

Responsible authority

Statistics Denmark

Contact person

Dorthe Larsen T: +45 39 17 33 07




Persons residing in Denmark. When calculating the total population as of 1 January, the point of departure is the people registered in the Central Person Register (CPR) as of this date.


In addition to statistics on the population as a whole, the population statistics include statistics on births, deaths, marriages, divorces, living spouses, registered partnerships, domestic relocations, migrations abroad, naturalisations and adoptions.

Accessing the data

Contact Statistics Denmark


Quarterly, annual


The source for the statistics is Statistics Denmark’s population statistics register, which receives information on births, deaths, relocations, emigration and immigration, marriages, divorces, naturalisations and adoptions etc. from the Danish Civil Registration System (CPR) on a weekly basis. The Danish Civil Registration System is updated on a daily basis.

Period covered



The publication “Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik” (News from Statistics Denmark), the “Befolkning og Valg” series in the publication “Statistiske efterretninger” (Statistical News), the publication “Konjunkturstatistik” and StatBank Denmark.
Annual publications: Statistical Yearbook, Statistical Ten-Year Review, “Befolkningens bevægelser” and “Befolkningen i kommunerne”.
A detailed description of methods can be found in the annual publication “Befolkningens Bevægelser”