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The National Centre for
Register-based Research

Research mainly related to schizophrenia, affective illness, and suicide


The centre houses the following major research projects

  • SMARTbiomed: The Pioneer Centre for Statistical and computational Methods for Advanced Research to Transform Biomedicine
  • CIRRAU: Aarhus University’s 6 year funding for continuation of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Register-based Research
  • Stanley Medical Research Institute Grant: Pre- and neonatal infections as interacting courses of and biomarkers for schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorders. A population-based approach based on Danish registers and biobanks
  • HOPE postpartum depression: A research program focused on causes and consequences of postpartum depression and other mental disorders observed after childbirth

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Contact us

National Centre for Register-based Research
Aarhus University
Fuglesangs Allé 26
Building R
8210 Aarhus V

Tel: +45 8716 5312

EAN: 5798000418554

P.no. 1018467514